
August 11, 2016
bad credit report

4 Times A Bad Credit Report Can Absolutely Destroy You

Your credit report plays a pivotal role in your financial journey. And as far as reports go, it is one of the most important ones that will be attached to your name.
August 1, 2016
check your credit report

5 Reasons to Check Your Credit Report

An effective way to monitor and manage your personal finances is to check your updated credit report. However, when was the last time you checked yours?
June 21, 2016
how to find out how your credit is doing

How-to: Find Out How Your Credit Is Doing

A common misconception is that there’s no way of knowing whether your loan application will be approved or not beforehand. If your application is rejected, you are often left in the dark as to what the problem was with your creditability as a borrower.
May 10, 2016

Here’s What You Can Do If PTPTN Loan Is On Your Credit Report

Fresh graduates leaving varsity have their whole lives ahead of them. From building up their career, to working towards achieving their financial goals, such as buying their first car and their first home.
April 7, 2016
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Credit Survey: How Well Do Malaysians Know Their Credit?

In the current economic climate, it is increasingly important for the average Malaysians to know about how their credit report works and how the reports can affect their finances – positively and negatively.