Fresh graduates leaving varsity have their whole lives ahead of them. From building up their career, to working towards achieving their financial goals, such as buying their first car and their first home.
In the current economic climate, it is increasingly important for the average Malaysians to know about how their credit report works and how the reports can affect their finances – positively and negatively.
With close to 20 taxi companies in Klang Valley alone excluding private hire car companies, the competition for good drivers is stiff. So what better way for taxi companies to screen and sieve through the bad apples by subscribing to CTOS.
One of the key persistent myths about family businesses in South East Asia according to a study by NUS (National University of Singapore) on Asian Family Firms: Success and Succession is that family firms are small and cannot grow beyond a certain size.
Passing the torch from the second to the third generation in a family business requires careful succession planning that only a handful of family businesses have.
Change is good, but are all changes good? The instability of major stock markets and political scandals can send some currencies across the world plummeting day after day and weak economies spiralling downwards.